Since 2009, BC’s RentSmart Program has provided education and support to tenants, landlords and community members with one goal: successful tenancies. Successful tenancies are key to building strong communities, increasing housing stability and preventing homelessness. Nanaimo Youth Services Association has integrated the RentSmart program into its services, aiming to provide support to individuals and families in finding and maintaining housing in the Nanaimo region.

RentSmart Goals:

  1. Assist people to find and/or maintain good housing;
  2. Reduce conflict, damages and evictions
  3. Increase housing stability

RentSmart offers two deliver methods:

  1. RentSmart Certificate (12 hour course, spread across 3 days)
    Cost: $100

  2. Tenant rights and responsibilities
  3. Landlord expectations and responsibilities
  4. Effective communication skills
  5. Budgeting and planning for housing expenses
  6. Maintenance do’s and don’t
  7. Safety and pests

Upon completion of the RentSmart Certificate course, individuals are given a certificate that acts as a secondary housing reference and which is recognized by BC Housing.

  • RentSmart Basics (3 hour course)
    Cost: $30

  • Curriculum has specific adaptions to meet the needs of youth, immigrants and refugees, individuals experiencing mental health and addictions, and seniors. Therefore, topics will vary and be tailored to the population enrolled in the program.

Nanaimo Youth Services Association is a proud Community Partner with the RentSmart Program.
